About the Commission for Case Manager Certification’s Case Management Body of Knowledge® (CMBOK®)

The knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies of case managers are major factors in assuring the provision of safe and superior quality healthcare services to clients and their support systems, including their families, significant others, friends, caregivers, and others. The more current case managers are, the more they are able to demonstrate effectiveness in their case management practice and achieve desired outcomes.

To realize its mission to advance the practice of case management, the Commission for Case Manager Certification (the Commission) developed a case management knowledge framework for case managers and other healthcare professionals directly or indirectly involved in case management practice and across the continuum of health and human services and care settings.

Case management professionals may apply the knowledge framework in their efforts to realize multiple purposes, including the following:

This case management knowledge framework is called the CMBOK. Unlike any other resource in the industry, the CMBOK is the only comprehensive body of knowledge that is peer-reviewed and available online for case managers and other healthcare professionals.

Definition of Body of Knowledge

Body of knowledge (BOK) is a term used to describe widely recognized information, standards, methods, tools, and practices about a specific field such as case management. A BOK usually includes a comprehensive set of concepts, terms, tools, and activities that apply to a profession, as defined by a relevant professional society (Babylon Online Dictionary).

Based on the definition of the term body of knowledge above, the Commission defines the CMBOK as a comprehensive resource of essential knowledge in the field of case management that a case manager is expected to master and become knowledgeable, skilled, as well as experienced in, to effectively care for clients and their support systems and be considered a competent case management practitioner.”

Definition of Case Management Body of Knowledge (CMBOK)

The CMBOK provides case managers and other healthcare professionals with a comprehensive online resource based on a clearly defined knowledge framework for the field of case management. The CMBOK:

For case managers and other healthcare professionals who desire to have appropriate, reliable, and current information to support case management activities, the Commission’s CMBOK provides an online knowledge resource on all key case management processes and essential knowledge domains.

The CMBOK is a dynamic reference and is intended to expand and be updated and peer-reviewed on an ongoing basis to keep it relevant, reliable, credible, and cutting-edge.

Updates will be based on scanning the professional case management and other related literature, recommendations of case management experts, latest findings from relevant practice analysis/role and function study research, and feedback from the CMBOK users and editorial board members.

The case management framework relates the skills and knowledge needed with the activities and processes that a case manager performs on the job. For the Case Management Process (described in the Introduction to the Case Management Knowledge Framework section) and each of the knowledge domains (listed in the framework graphic on the home page), the CMBOK provides:

Who Developed the CMBOK

The process of developing the framework for case management knowledge began with a panel of subject matter experts (SMEs) that met regularly and developed the framework under the guidance of a case management researcher and expert in creating knowledge frameworks and conducting practice analysis research. To ensure the reliability, appropriateness, and relevance of the CMBOK, SMEs were selected based on specific qualification criteria such as:

The SMEs represented various backgrounds (e.g., nurses, social workers, vocational rehabilitation counselors, and behavioral health specialists), case management practice settings (e.g., acute care, health insurance, government/veterans administration, private practice, rehabilitation), and U.S. geographic regions.

Through a think-tank workshop format in October 2009, the SME panel reviewed the findings from the Commission’s 2009 National Survey of Roles and Functions of Case Managers. Nearly 7,000 case managers from across all of the U.S. regions participated in the study. The case manager’s role and function study resulted in a comprehensive description of case management practice at the time. It delineated the primary roles and functions of case managers in various practice settings and identified key knowledge areas required for effective and competent performance of case managers.

Using findings from the study, the SMEs determined the implications of the findings for case management practice, education, and professional development. Then they reached consensus on the essential domains and subdomains of case management knowledge, numerous specific knowledge topics, and nine major phases in an overall Case Management Process. These elements formed the case management knowledge framework.

Developing the Case Management Framework

The Commission followed a rigorous development process that reflects best practices, engaging professionals both in case management and in product development. The CMBOK reflects the input of many people from within and outside the Commission’s community of case managers who defined the framework and contributed to the development of the CMBOK knowledge content. These experts consisted of the following:

These individuals provided input over the course of more than a year to help define and guide the initial creation of the CMBOK so that it reflected the needs of the overall case management community. Some continue to be involved in expanding the knowledge content and/or enhancing the product design.

Ongoing Updates

The Commission recognizes the importance of ongoing review and improvement to ensure that the CMBOK remains current and reflects the latest knowledge and practices of case management.

Case Management Process