Download a free Tarot Cheat sheet or Tarot Cards Meaning List pdf. A quick reference page for all 78 Tarot Cards. Download a 3 page Tarot Cards Meaning List pdf or single page Tarot Cheat Sheet pdf. Tarot meanings made simple. A handy guide to reference the tarot card meanings. Tarot cheat sheet and meanings list include keywords, zodiac, element, yes or no and reversed meanings.
It took some work, but I managed to Squeeze ALL 78 Tarot Cards onto one reference page. Here it is…
As much info as possible on a single page making it really quick to reference during a reading, without flipping through books and multiple pages.
The Tarot Cheat Sheet includes: Keywords, Zodiac, Element, Yes/No and Reversed for each card.
0. The Fool —A new beginning. Risk. Zodiac: Aquarius Astrological: Uranus Element: Air Chakra: Crown Yes or No: Yes. Reversed- Hesitation
1. The Magician —Manifestation. Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo Astro: Mercury Element: Air Chakra: Throat Yes or No: Yes. Reversed - Unimaginative
2. The High Priestess—Secrets, intuition. Astro: Moon Zodiac: Cancer Element: Water Chakra: Third Eye Yes/No: Yes Reversed - Ignorance
3. The Empress—Maternal energy, Fertility. Astro: Venus Zodiac: Taurus Element: Earth Chakra: Heart, Sacral Yes/No: Yes Reversed - Difficulty
4. The Emperor—Stability, Power . Astrological: Mars Zodiac: Aries Element: Fire Chakra: Root Yes/No: Yes Reversed - Instability, Insecurity
5. The Hierophant - Institution, Learning. Astro: Venus Zodiac: Taurus Element: Earth Chakra: Throat Yes/No: Yes Reversed - Unorthodox
6. The Lovers—Love, Choices. Astro: Mercury Zodiac: Gemini Element: Air Chakra: Heart Yes/No: Maybe Reversed - Separation, Frustration
7. The Chariot—Progression, forward motion. Astro: Moon Zodiac: Cancer Element: Water Chakra: Throat Yes/No: Yes Reversed - Failure
8. Strength—Power, Courage. Astro: Sun Zodiac: Leo Element: Fire Chakra: Solar Plexus Yes/No: Yes Reversed - Weakness, Cowardice.
9. The Hermit—Introspection, Solitude. Astro: Chiron Zodiac: Virgo Element: Earth Chakra: Third Eye Yes/No: No Reversed - Foolishness.
10. Wheel of Fortune —Destiny. Zodiac: Aquarius Scorpio Leo Taurus Astro: Jupiter Element: Fire Chakra: Solar Plexus Maybe. Reversed - Bad luck.
11. Justice—Balance, Truth. Astro: Venus Zodiac: Libra Element: Air Chakra: Heart Yes/No: Upright- Yes, Reversed- No Reversed - Imbalance
12. The Hanged Man—Suspend Action Zodiac: Pisces Astro: Neptune Element: Water Chakra: Third Eye Yes/No: No Reversed - Impatience.
13. Death —Endings, Beginnings, Change. Astro: Pluto Zodiac: Scorpio Element: Water Chakra: Heart Yes/No: No Reversed - Death, stagnation,
14. Temperance—Economy, Moderation. Astro: Jupiter Zodiac: Sagittarius Element: Fire Chakra: Solar plexus Yes/No: Yes Reversed - Excess
15. The Devil—Rage, Overindulgance. Astro: Neptune Zodiac: Pisces Element: Water Chakra: Third Eye Yes/No: No Reversed - Enlightenment
16. The Tower —Sudden Change. Zodiac: Aries Astrological: Mars Element: Fire Chakra: Crown Yes/No: No Reversed - Stagnation, Entrapment
17. The Star — Spiritual Guidance. Hope. Astrological: Uranus Zodiac: Aquarius Element: Air Chakra: Crown Yes/No: Yes Reversed - Lost dreams.
118. The Moon —Illusion, Dreams, Illumination. Astro: Neptune Zodiac: Pisces Element: Water Chakra: Third Eye Yes/No: No Reversed - Danger
19. The Sun—Success, Happiness, Marriage. Zodiac: Leo Astrological: The Sun Element: Fire Chakra: Solar Plexus Yes/No: Yes Reversed - Distress
20. Judgement —Change of position, Evaluation Zodiac: Libra Astro: Pluto Element: Fire Chakra: Crown Yes/No: You decide. Reversed -Indecision.
21. The World—Completion. Zodiac: Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio Element: Earth Astro: Saturn Chakra: Root Yes or No: Yes. Reversed-Failure.